Surfing the World (Footprint - Activity Guides) Review

Surfing the World (Footprint - Activity Guides)
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This is a very good overview of some of the world's best, and best-known waves, as of 2006. There are around 80 waves described in fairly good detail, each wave covering 2 pages of notes and pictures. It includes monthly swell and wind data, tides, wave lengths and sizes, surfable days/month, board recommendations (but no surfer weights), access, hazards, general travel issues, surf stories and histories, cultural backgrounds, nearby spots, good photos, surfers top10s, and various environmental issues.
Coverage includes Indo (10 waves), Philippines (1), Canaries/Azores (2), Europe (10). USA/Hawaii (13), Africa (9), Australia/NZ (12), Pacific (5), Central America/Carribbean (9), South America (8), other Indian Ocean (2).
Probably the best thing about this book is the individual wave details, and the surf stories and histories, rather than the completeness of the `world' coverage. In attempting to cover so much ground-the whole world-not only have they left many waves out (one could list around 500 *currently known* similar quality waves, but many of these are still difficult to access and/or secret/semi-secret), but some details are also a bit sketchy. I've seen this kind of thing before in 'world surf guides', some of the information is second and third hand, particularly for remote locations. A wave may be described as consistent when it isn't, or not even the best wave in the area (eg Chicama-nearby Pacasmayo is probably a better wave). A few photos are incorrect (eg Macaronis photo p225 is actually Lances Left). Most wave lengths given are correct, except for exceptional days, when some get much longer (eg I've seen Outside Uluwatu on big days go for 500m, here it says 50-200m). Also, Padang Padang p230 is a left reef break, not a right. There are other similar minor errors in the book, either because the writers haven't actually been there, or there was a rush to print, and/or a lack of careful editing. Despite these occasional errors, there is a wealth of very good information.
(Note: for those who don't like waves being `promoted' in virtually any form- most world-class spots get 'leaked' `legitimately', either through surf operator advertisements, word-of-mouth, local tourism, crowd pressures elsewhere, surf magazines and DVDs (these 2 much less recently), and regional guides. It is not *always* a bad thing to promote a region or particular wave, especially with surfing's growing internationalism. It also helps local business, offers a cheap option from expensive operators, spreads crowds out etc.)(Note also: I've seen commercial surf operators who charge $300/day, and who harp loudly about not telling anyone about their `secret' waves, who then go and surf other `secret' nearby world-class waves at $5/day, after the $300/day tourists have gone home).
Changes in some regions are aplenty (eg Mentawais, Madeira, Nicaragua), and despite some spots getting `exposed', there are also some positives, such as spotlights on destroyed waves through development, artificial reefs and their potential (eg NZ and the Gold Coast), local initiatives in tourism (eg El Salvador, Taranaki NZ, and recently the Mentawais), and cheap surf alternatives from big business, all of which highlight the value of `world coverages', such as this guide. The world is a damn big place, and there are *still* many places with world class, consistent waves with no-one riding them-think of most of Chile, southern Peru, NZ's south Island, Andamans/Nicobars, Madagascar, western Tasmania, most of French Polynesia, Carolinas, southern Argentina (hardly anyone lives there), mainland Sumatra (wild rumours), Siberia, Kamchatka, northwestern Canada, islands off Alaska (wild rumours), remote Pacific-the list goes on and on. You only need one J-Bay in Siberia or somewhere and you have one hell of a surf trip.
A further note on world coverage-in all of Indo, where there are literally thousands of remote islands which receive good wind/swell, there are at least 50 *currently known* (as of 2006) world-class waves, with more being `discovered' every year. I've seen about 30 world class waves there, and I reckon there might be 100-200+ world class waves in all of Indo, which is more than all the waves compiled in this book. Indo is one place where world-class waves and swell, access, promotion and commercialism versus `on the cheap' is being fought out particularly keenly. Places like Uluwatu and G-Land became famous partly because they were near international airports and accessible. But there are many other waves in Indo just like them. The Mentawais are becoming more well-known, to the lament of some (partly because nearby Padang has an international airport). One reason other waves aren't yet `known' is because they are too remote even for commercial boat operators to get to (eg most of Simeulue), and are not near any airports or tourism infrastructure (eg Southern Sumatra-but this is changing). Make no mistake, in the next 20 years+, the number of `world class waves' in Indo you will read or hear about will just keep going up, (with the usual complaints). Central America is another place with the same sorts of issues. New Zealand is another place with uncrowded excellent waves, but with modern infrastructure (and cold). There is an excellent new NZ surf guide out, with 470 breaks, (with about 30+ world class waves), but for some reason not available on Amazon-search the internet.
This book then, is only a snapshot of the world's best and most *well-known* waves-but by no means the last word.
Other waves/regions left out include:
Cylinders, North Point, Jakes, Cactus, Shipsterns, Sandon, Wreck Bay, King Island (Oz); Seconds/Spit, Mangamaunu, (NZ); P-Pass (Carolinas); Japan; Sumba, West Timor, mainland Sumatra, Hinakos, Simeulue, Banyaks, Telos, (Indo); most Canaries and Azores, Maldives; Madagascar; west Africa up to Morocco; southern Peru; Oregon; Nova Scotia etc etc.
Other world surf guides recommended include other Footprint, Wave finder, and Stormrider guides, and the internet-surf operators advertise `their waves' on the net, but you may need to cross-check them with swell data and reports-everybody says their waves are the `best'- which is one reason you need these sorts of world guides.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Surfing the World (Footprint - Activity Guides)

The third book in the highly acclaimed Footprint Surf Series, Surfing the World by Chris Nelson and Demi Taylor is a dream trip taking in the planet's best 80 waves, as nominated by the global waveriding community. In more than 300 pages, this dreamers guide explores not just the waves and how they work but also the personalities that take them on as well as the breaks' often intriguing histories. With input and anecdotes from legends past and present – from Sultan of Speed Terry Fitzgerald to XXL winner Zach Wormhoudt – and beautiful photography from surfing's leading lensmen, this book is the ultimate world tour.

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