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(More customer reviews)I found Stealing Lives a great book and I will recomend it to everyone who wants to know the dark side of baseball in its relationship with Latinoamerica. A reviewer claimed that the office established by the Commissioner's Office in the Domincian Republic is not discussed in the book when actually is deeply analysed in several chapters. ...
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While some Latin American superstars have overcome discrimination tostrike gold in baseball's big leagues, thousands more Latin American players nevermake it to "The Show." Stealing Lives focuses on the plight of one Venezuelanteenager and documents abuses that take place against Latin children and young menas baseball becomes a global business. The authors reveal that in their efforts tosecure cheap labor, Major League teams often violate the basic human rights ofchildren.As a young boy growing up in Venezuela, Alexis Quirozdreamed of playing in the Major Leagues. Alexis's dreams were like those ofthousands of other boys in the Dominican Republic and Venezuela, and Major Leagueteams encouraged such dreams by recruiting Latin children as young as 10 and 11years old. Determined to become a big league player, Alexis finished high schoolearly and dedicated himself to landing a contract with a Major League team. Alexissigned with the Chicago Cubs in 1995 at age 17 and then began a harrowing ordeal ofexploitation, mistreatment, and disrespect at the hands of the Chicago Cubs,including playing for the Cubs' Dominican Summer League team in appalling livingconditions. Alexis's baseball career came to an abrupt end by an injury for whichthe Cubs provided no adequate medical treatment. The story continues, however, withAlexis's pursuit of justice in the United States to ensure that other Venezuelan andDominican boys do not encounter similar experiences.What happenedto Alexis is not an isolated case-Major League teams routinely deny Latin childrenand young men the basic protections that their U.S. counterparts take for granted.This exploitation violates international legal standards on labor standards and thehuman rights of children. Stealing Lives concludes by analyzing various reforms toredress the inequities big league baseball creates in its globalization.
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