Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Very practical and written in an easy-to-read style. We've done local cruising, but I wasn't sure what I should be concerned about for our upcoming cruise to the Caribbean in '01 or '02. I now know what classes I personally need to attend, that my time at the gym is a good investment in my safety, I don't need to know how to tie every blasted knot known to mankind, windvanes are worth looking at, what goodies to put on my Christmas and birthday list(!),what to bring for sail repair, medicine, etc. Since I'm usually in charge of food for short cruises, Anna Gleckler's notes on preserving cheese, bread, juice and eggs without refrigeration AND making jerky and corning beef were, well, things my mother didn't teach me and I probably wouldn't have thought to ever ask her! I just feel more at ease and I anticipate that in the next year or so that I will be better prepared if I act on the advice in this book. I plan to re-read it every six months or so to make sure I'm working on those things (health, reading, education) to make our trip the best it can be.
Click Here to see more reviews about: All About Cruising: Prepare Yourself - Equip Your Boat - Plan Your Escape - Live Your Dream
This book is for all the people who yearn to escape society'sweb and follow their cruising dreams. It is written by a veteranvoyager with generous contributions from his first mate, Anna. Theauthor shows how to break free from shore and set your course fordistant landfalls. He describes the adjustments necessary to live acruising lifestyle.Anna discusses personal relationships and lifeaboard a small cruising boat. It runs the gamut-from finding theproper boat, to tying the proper knot, to cooking and provisioning, tocheck-in procedures and finances, to medicine and communications, todinghies and heavy weather, to pirates and guns. Few texts are as userfriendly or as well grounded in practical and essential cruisingadvice. A definitive guide for offshore and coastal cruising. Good forcruising powerboats too. 150 photos and graphics.
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