Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Wow. Next-generation game. $60. And this is what we end up with?
Graphics are good but not great, let alone awesome(play a game in the rain...waaay too choppy for next-gen graphics). Gameplay is ok, but not as smooth, consistent, and fun as past incarnations. It is also missing some options, features, and extras from past NCAA titles(but don't worry, i'm sure they'll offer these bit by bit as downloadable content in the future where you gotta fork over more money as apparently $60 off the rack isn't enough). I'm sure there are EA loyalists/apologists who think i'm a hater(it's true, i hate EA so much i've bought most of their NCAA football titles for the past decade or so including their first on the Sega Genesis way back when, and my favorite incarnation of them all: NCAA 2004 with coverboy Carson Palmer on the Gamecube!).
But anyway, is this a terrible game? Not really. if you can 'overlook' and 'forgive', it's good enough graphics and gameplay-wise. But if you used up all your 'look the other way/turn the other cheek' mentality with the also-disappointing(but better-looking at least) MADDEN 2006 on 360; then i STRONGLY recommend you rent this game first or read better and more detailed reviews on the game before buying it. I wish i had before i bought this game. Then at least my lowered expectations wouldn't have set me up for such a huge let-down. Recommended only as a rental or 'read reviews first before buying'. Seriously, after MADDEN 2006, i thought EA learned that next-gen games(at next-gen prices i might add), needed to have everything last-gen games had and more. With NCAA 2007, i guess not. Perhaps NCAA 2008 will be the game we're all hoping for. Hope MADDEN 2007 at least addresses all the concerns of its previous incarnation on 360.
Btw, can others tell me:
how do you change the camera angle?
how do you set up a demo game to watch cpu vs cpu?
where's the slick front end and in-between-game presentations?
why do the graphics sometimes slow down, seem choppy, etc?
how do you create-a-school?
where's the sports-illustrated covers?
Maybe many of these are unlockables or rewards for achievements-earned during gameplay and hopefully NOT extra-cost downloadables. But hey, the EA execs gotta eat don't they? But not to worry, NCAA 2007 will sell by the truckload cause the majority rules. And in this day and age, the majority says "we'll take hd graphics over features and gameplay anyday". The majority has spoken.
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