Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Dr. McMullin has written a valuable book for individuals who have been, are, or might someday be in therapy -- as well as for those who want to learn on their own to have an emotionally healthy and satisfying life. Through the use of humor, metaphors, examples, exercises, and tips, he teaches the reader to identify their thoughts and beliefs, to examine them, and to change or "trash" the ones that are inaccurate and/or harmful to one's mental health. He guides the reader through a structured process of cognitive change in this well-organized and user-friendly book. "Taking Out Your Mental Trash" fills a void in the cognitive therapy literature by offering a step-by-step approach to those motivated and interested in making lasting and beneficial changes to their thinking -- and therefore to the whole of their lives. I highly recommend this book to therapists for use with their clients, to clients, and to anyone who wants to learn to think clearly and to feel better.
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How can you take control of your life?
Why do negative thoughtssometimes predominate, despite your knowledge that they're unfounded?Why do your best efforts to stave off these negative thoughts so oftenfail? What can you do to identify your core beliefs?For the first time, there is a book that offers the consumer and thepublic what has previously been available onlyto professional audiences. This book is alayperson's version of Dr. McMullin's successful professional book-The New Handbook of CognitiveRestructuring Therapy (2000)-and his otherprofessional works. Written by one of thefounders of Cognitive Restructuring Therapy(CRT), Taking Out Your Mental Trash offers thekey principles, techniques, and exercisesnecessary for a solid foundation in CRT. Itincorporates Dr. McMullin's three decades offull time clinical practice with many thousandsof clients, from many different cultures, withmany different problems. The book is written inan informal, personal style and presents reading guides, copious real life examples, step-by-stepinstructions, picture-forming stories,illustrations, and 53 exercises and 23worksheets to help the reader. To date, it isone of the most accessible, reader friendly, and up-to-date books for the public on CRT. Packedwith problem-tackling strategies on how to useMcMullin's own Cognitive Restructuring Therapyto overcome phobias, social anxiety, stress,relationship difficulties, and more, thisinvaluable workbook promises to help you dumpeven the most stubborn negative thoughts.McMullin then helps you adopt fresh beliefs and, in doing so, reclaim meaning and control overyour life.
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