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(More customer reviews)Starting with a real-life and enlightening exchange with is wife, Barry Libert begins to open our eyes to how we must take advantage of everything our new Social Nation has to offer. Libert seems to have written Social Nation so that we all can save the many good things about being in charge of a small company, of being an employee of a Fortune 500 company, of being a customer of the hardware store down the street.
Libert, has managed to write a business book which is truly for any adult, be they an employer, employee, or customer. The book has an excitement to it, due to how Mr. Libert has written at a pace which makes me and others feel that this is the time to fix some of the many things that were so great about American capitalism.
Today, if we did an impromptu interview out on the street, I would bet it would be hard to find customers who felt that the places they shopped actually even knew if they were a customer; and men and women who work in all sorts of buildings and industries would tell us that they have never had a real discussion with their manager or his manager together with other employees. Many would tell us that the "suggestion box," now seen only in movies before the 1970's, has been broken and out of service for the entire time they have worked at their job.
It is true that there have been "scares" about us losing how to really communicate with each other. Think of the television, then the cell phone, and ..... Libert spins no scare tactics in Social Nation. He has the facts. He cuts to the truth. For a number of decades businesses have cared more about assets and cash on hand, "than they did people and their relationships." Well, now, with the Internet and the Web, companies, employees and their clients can regain what made capitalism in the United States so great, we were all part of it. We can be again. Companies can offer clients their own Web sites which would contain information about the products they have purchased, and, the company would offer specials directly to the customer and not through a blaring commercial. This would all be done on an opt in basis, no push advertising. The customer receives a genuine invitation to be a part of that business.
Better yet, as Social Nation points out, employees and employers can start rebuilding, or for most of us, start from scratch, the building of trust, commitment, and loyalty. Social Nation illustrates that what our kids take as just part of life, business can use to listen to employees and what they have to say, the good, the bad, the great suggestion which may be a company's best selling product the next year. All of it is possible. Just as important, the employees will feel part of something, because they are part of something. Something that Libert's Social Nation makes many of us yearn for, only now, it can be revived and made even better. That is how American business works.
At a time when many of us are looking for things to be hopeful about, Barry Libert bring us a gift of hope and of success, in Social Nation.
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It's time to join Social Nation and prosper! This book will show you, as an employee, customer or partner, how to use new social technologies, make yourself heard, and produce better products and services. As a leader and manager, you'll find out how to use these tools to harness social interactions to improve your business and to create your own social nation. The book provides a social assessment for leaders, managers and employees to scientifically evaluate your individual social skills and competencies. This book relies on well-known case studies about businesses that illustrate how social principles and strategies can help organizations to:
Integrate social skills into existing managerial and leadership practices
Overcome some of the common risks and objections that are often cited as obstacles to becoming a successful social enterprise
Adopt new forms of social leadership across the entire organization
Attain social intelligence by listening, understanding, and measuring outcomes of your investment in relationships with customers, employees and partners
Realize tangible economic benefits and ROI from new product and service offerings Social Nation provides readers with an opportunity to join the Social Nation community and share experiences with other leaders and social individuals.
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