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(More customer reviews)"The Green Beret In You: Living with Total Commitment to Family, Career, Sports, and Life" by John Giduck with Special Forces Sergeant Major John A. Anderson (RET.) is one of the best books I've read in a long time, and I read a lot of books. I have to agree with Brad Thor's quote on the back that it is "the essential guide to manhood, and if John Wayne had left a how-to-manual on being a real man, this would be it." In fact, the endorsements by Thor and Lt. Col. Dave Grossman helped influence my decision to purchase the book. That and the fact that I worked with SF a few times when serving with the 82nd Airborne Division and in South Korea with the 2nd Infantry Divison, and I've always respected those who wore and wear the green beret.
Right up front, this book was written for men. It's not that women couldn't learn from this book, or live by some of the principles, but the fact is Special Forces are composed of men, and this book is aimed at how men should be. Like Thor said, it is a manual on being a real man. There is a reason John Wayne made a movie about the Green Berets, and that because they shared his conservative values of honor, integrity, and having the courage to do what's right. That is exactly what this book is about. The book uses the principles and values of those serving in Special Forces as the model for living. It uses the Green Beret as a model to live life to your fullest. I loved the part where the person was shocked that the author didn't follow sports on television because he was too busy living to stop and watch others playing.
The book first explains the making of a Green Beret and the character of a Green Beret. Then in part two, it focuses on Green Berets in everyday life and how you can build the Green Beret in you through principles such as being a man, not hiding, and not sugarcoating things. (And so many more!) The fourth chapter addresses the workplace and how living and working with the values of the SF soldier will make you stand out in any corporation or workplace. Next, the authors focus on team, and the importance of teams in our lives.
Part Three of the book delves into Green Beret Commitment with chapters on commitment to marriage, commitment to family, commitment to career, commitment to sports, and commitment to life. I can't stress enough how important the concepts in these chapters are and how by living this way a person will undoubtedly be not only a better person, but a much happier and successful one.
The final part consists of some rules for everyday life. Ten short rules, but they mean a lot of lived by. The book then shares the Special Forces Code and concludes with a brief Conclusion that motivates the reader to live with the courage and values taught in this manual.
Like I said, I read a lot of books, and there are some that I do go back to for research when I'm writing, but there are very few that I will read cover to cover multiple times. This book has just earned a spot on that short list. This is a book I will read again to continuously remind myself of how I should be living and to help me teach others to live with the Warrior's Edge.
Reviewed by Alain Burrese, J.D., author of Hard-Won Wisdom From the School of Hard Knocks.
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