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(More customer reviews)I have read 100's of very poor books on the Laws of Attraction in the last few years. I started reading books about goal setting, mind control and success principles in 1985. I have used what I learnt from my extensive reading, coupled with academic qualifications, business and psychology experience, to create a consulting company, teaching seminars to corporations in strategic thinking, marketing, goal setting and business development. I also use the principles to help individuals, by guiding them as a Life Coach, teaching people cognitive methods to help goal set and enhance their lives beyond what they could do on their own. As such, I read as many books as I can on a variety of subjects to enhance my knowledge. I can honestly say, that with all that experience, this book will help everyone who reads it to set better goals and achieve more in their lives, than they would think possible. It is a GREAT BOOK.
As the Laws of Attraction have come into vogue, through films like The Secret, a large number of books have been published with LOA in their title. I have read virtually every one of them and have found many get lost in the voodoo principles that think you can sit, think happy positive thoughts, visualise wealth and as if by magic and serendipity, vast fortunes will miraculously come your way. A whole generation of people have gotten frustrated, when this does not happen for them and they do not understand why the LOA seems not to work for them.
This book answers so many questions, regarding the LOA and why it can fail in so many ways, with so many people. It addresses many issues in its 212 pages. It looks at State, Intention and Action steps. It addresses old negative mental programming and if you download the workbook, will guide you through all the work you will need to do to get into the right state to allow the LOA to work.
Unlike so many other LOA books, this one puts so much emphasis on your own role in your own success. It uses every strategy you could want, from Kaizen to the Sedona Method (A Brilliant Method to get rid of Emotional Negativity) to EFT to get the Laws working for you by releasing past negativity. The workbook helps set new goals and new empowering beliefs that will propel you forward for greater success.
This really is a GREAT BOOK........BUT 212 pages could have been cut down. The first half of the book looks at State, Intention and Inspired Action. It is tedious and so full of utter waffle and waffle and waffle. I speed read and so ignored so much of the self absorbed waffle. The second half is better and it is obvious someone got a grip on the writing style.
If you can ignore the waffle in the first half, this is a great book for anyone who wishes to succeed in life and business with strategies that will help everyone achieve so much more from their lives.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Law of Attraction in Action: A Down-to-Earth Guide to Transforming Your Life (No Matter Where You're StartingFrom)
An engaging, accessible guide to personal empowerment.The phenomenal success of The Secret points to the great hunger for answers, hope, and change. But what if books like that seem a little too "out there" for you? Enter Deanna Davis, whose down-to-earth approach stems from her own change of heart (it happened at the Olive Garden). In this fun, quirky, and decidedly straightforward guide, Deanna shares the science, strategy, and stories of how to create your ideal life using a universal key to success called the Law of Attraction, whether you seek health, wealth, happiness, success, or anything else, large or small. The book blends cutting-edge research, practical techniques, and a conversational, light, funny tone to make the information both meaningful and memorable. Like a talk by your favorite college professor, it provides brilliant concepts in a downto- earth manneran uncommon blend of wisdom, creativity, inspiration, and practical strategies that work.
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