Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)This is a great book! When I first ran into an actual instantiation of the sphere I was dubious and decided to do some more research. Then I stumbled across Phil Lawson's book, "Being Spherical". That's when I realized that the sphere I was looking at was a way of graphically representing a model that connects the dots (data points) of some identified space to define that space. The more dots you connect, the greater knowledge you have about the space. The more dots you connect between or across spaces (or between those arbitrary boundaries we place on things to make them easier to understand), the more you know.
The book "blew my mind" when I realized that we are surrounded by dots (data points) that impart new knowledge and ways of looking at the Universe when they are connected as a Spherical model. I now walk around seeing the world around me as a model waiting to be created, data points waiting to be modeled, problems to be solved as we understand the problem space. The actual idea behind Spherical thinking is simple; however, the impact is profound.
The book itself is also truly a "fun read" for folks who are interested in "The Medici Effect". Phil Lawson touches on a number of diverse areas to draw surprising conclusions about how to define and understand the world around us.
I'm into "systems" and systems theory... and now find myself looking at the night sky seeing points waiting to be connected instead of stars. I'm not sure if I'll ever see the night sky the same... as I used to.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Being Spherical: Reshaping Our Lives and Our World for the 21st Century
In this concise, illustrated work exploring the dynamics of living in the 21st century, Phil Lawson and Robert L. Lindstrom show us how we individually and collectively shape the future - a future no longer dominated by traditional hierarchies and concentrated power centers. The authors explain why, in this dawning era of interconnection and interdependency, we require a dramatic transformation in the way we see, think and act. Using mythological imagery in the form of The Sphere and an innovative and adaptive vocabulary, they introduce us to concepts and processes for reshaping our lives, our organizations and our world for the better. In addition, they introduce the Spherical Modeling Tool (SMT), a practical hands-on awareness application. BEING SPHERICAL GUIDES US AS WE LEARN TO: * Prepare for a future we cannot even vaguely predict. * Raise our children well in a climate of moral uncertainty.* Create viable organizations in an era of extreme complexity. * Come to the aid of an abused and ailing planet. AS WE LEARN TO SEE THE SPHERE WE: * Understand why we do what we do and what to do differently. * Discover creative solutions to longstanding problems. * Connect and reconnect within ourselves and with others. * Ready ourselves of quantum leaps in inspiration and awareness. THE GREATER OUR SPHERICAL INTEGRITY THE BETTER WE: * Flex with internal and external pressures. * Adapt to disorienting and accelerating change. * Respond to unpredictable and uncontrollable conditions. * Roll through hard times and bounce forward from adversity. Excerpted from Being Spherical: Reshaping Our Lives and Our World for the 21st Century by Phil Lawson, Robert L. Lindstrom. Copyright 2004. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
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