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(More customer reviews)Using the Olympics as a backdrop, this book is a tremendous read for marketers of all types. From guerilla marketing tactics to big-company branding efforts, Davis covers it all. The book belongs on the shelf of any marketing professional, but not just to sit there. It will be used and referenced for years to come.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Olympic Games Effect: How Sports Marketing Builds Strong Brands
The Olympics are the quintessential athletic competition. But beyond athletics lies a network of investment, organization, and case studies in leadership. For sponsors, a key byproduct of these networks is a strong brand halo--the focus of John Davis' interesting new book. Davis brings a keen academic and business eye to the brand halo associated with the competition. And this book will be an important resource and practical guide for firms in evaluating Olympic sponsorship.Glenn HubbardDean and Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and EconomicsColumbia Business SchoolJohn Davis' new book provides a treasure of information to guide companies as they evaluate marketing in sports in general and the Olympics in particular. Highly constructive checklists throughout the book will help companies evaluate the potential of their sponsorship investments. And the coverage of the lows as wells as the highs of Olympic-related marketing reinforces the realism and credibility of this well-written book.George FosterPaul L. and Phyllis Wattis Professor of ManagementDirector of the Executive Program for Growing CompaniesStanford University Graduate School of BusinessInterweaving history and economics with vignettes of heroes ancient and modern, John Davis illustrates how the Olympic Games have become the premier "heritage brand" in the era of experiential marketing. Differentiating and managing brands are perennial priorities for Marketing Science Institute's corporate sponsors. Davis details why so many have chosen to be major Olympic sponsors. Importantly, he provides a comprehensive checklist of questions to help other companies explore the potential and pitfalls of such sponsorships.Earl L. Taylor, PhDChief Marketing OfficerMarketing Science InstituteThis book is worth its weight in gold medals. Learn how Coca-Cola, Visa and other great companies took wing and flew to even greater success on the high power updraft of the Olympics. A must-read for any company wanting to become a top global brand.Rod BeckstromCo-author, The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless OrganizationsJohn Davis' book brings to life the history and intricacies of the Olympic Games, and illustrates the best practices of sports marketing and sports sponsorship that are relevant in today's dynamic sports scene. This book deserves to be widely read.Oon Jin TeikChief Executive Officer, Singapore Sports CouncilSingapore Olympian, 23rd Olympic Games, 1984 Los Angeles, USA
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